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IMT was created by Barbara GRAY a TV journalist in 2002.

International Media Training is a network of Trainers and specialised companies capable of answering multicultural communication issues around the world.

IMT can make you into a perfect speaker enabling you to convince audiences both internally (management meetings for exemple) and externally, thereby being able to create a clear and precise speech for a presentation or a press conference.

We offer coaching in media training, public speaking and crisis communication.

Thanks to our network of trainers who are bilingual French English, German Spanish, Italian and Arab speaking journalists and specialists, we are able to adapt our sessions to specific requirements.

We are able to establish specific made to measure programs for every possible professional specialist field.

Customized program

Customized program

IMT was created by Barbara GRAY a TV journalist in 2002.

International Media Training is a network of Trainers and specialised companies capable of answering multicultural communication issues around the world.

IMT can make you into a perfect speaker enabling you to convince audiences both internally (management meetings for exemple) and externally, thereby being able to create a clear and precise speech for a presentation or a press conference.

We offer coaching in media training, public speaking and crisis communication.

Thanks to our network of trainers who are bilingual French English, German Spanish, Italian and Arab speaking journalists and specialists, we are able to adapt our sessions to specific requirements.

We are able to establish specific made to measure programs for every possible professional specialist field

Customized program

Customized program

International Media Training is a network of Trainers and specialised companies capable of answering multicultural communication issues around the world.

We offer coaching in media training, public speaking and crisis communication.

Thanks to our network of trainers who are bilingual French English, German Spanish, Italian and Arab speaking journalists and specialists, we are able to adapt our sessions to specific requirements.

Every client has different needs and we customize our offer depending on the number and the status of our clients. These can be one on one sessions or for groups. Ideally group sizes are maximum six participants. However if the groups are larger, we break up the classes and provide the required number of trainers in separate workshops.

We propose modules of minimum half a day 3-4 hours, or full day sessions up to 8 hours.
Training can be organized in your offices, in suitable rented meeting rooms or in a TV studio close by, anywhere in France or abroad…